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Class D – Modification of shop loading bays


Shop loading bayClass D allows for the modification of a shop loading bay.  You can increase the size by up to 20% as long as it is not on Article 2(3) land, a SSSI, scheduled monument or listed building.

The full legislation for Class D and the modification of a shop loading bay can be found below. Please contact us if you need any assistance with Class D. 





Class D – modification of shop loading bays

Permitted development

D. Development consisting of modification of a loading bay of a shop.

Development not permitted

D.1 Development is not permitted by Class D if—
(a) the size of the original loading bay, when measured in any dimension, would be increased by more than 20%; or

(b) any part of the development would be—
(i) on article 2(3) land;
(ii) in a site of special scientific interest; or
(iii) within the curtilage of a listed building or a scheduled monument.


D.2 Development is permitted by Class D subject to the condition that the materials used must be of a similar appearance to those used in the construction of the exterior of the shop.

Interpretation of Class D

D.3 For the purposes of Class D—

“goods vehicle” has the meaning given in section 192 of the Road Traffic Act 1988;

“loading bay” means any facility, including vehicle ramps, for the loading or unloading of goods vehicles; and

“shop” means a building used for any purpose within Class E(a) (display or retail sale of goods other than hot food) of Schedule 2 to the Use Classes Order.






shop loading bay Page Updated:  8th August 2023