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Proposed changes to the GPDO in 2024

From time to time the Government introduces consultations to give proposed changes to or additional permitted development rights. This page will list those that are either open or yet to be implemented. Once implemented they will be moved to the latest version.

These proposed changes to the GPDO are for England only.  Sorry Wales!

Following the election on 4th July 2024, all items on this page are subject to alteration and cancellation – we will leave them here, and will update if we hear anything!

Proposed changes


February 2023: renewable energy permitted development rights

This consultation  proposed changes to the existing permitted development rights for solar equipment and a new permitted development right for solar canopies.

This was implemented in December 2023 under SI 2023/1279 The solar canopies page can be found here.

April 2023: Introduction of a use class for short term lets and associated permitted development rights

This consultation proposes the introduction of a use class for short term lets and permitted development rights to provide flexibility where there are no local issues with such uses – click here for details of this. This will see a change to the Use Class Order as well as new permitted development rights.
C5 – short term lets
PD to go from C3 to C5 and C5 to C3

We do not yet have a date when this will be implemented. Maybe February Autumn 2024?

July 2023: Proposed changes to Permitted Development rights

Consultation on additional flexibilities to support housing delivery, the agricultural sector, businesses, high streets and open prisons; and a call for evidence on nature-based solutions, farm efficiency projects and diversification – click here for details of this. This is summarised on Planning Geek here.
The proposals include:-
Class MA – removal of 3-month vacancy requirement + doubling or removal of 1,500 sq m limit – implemented in February 2024 under SI 2024/141 – See Class MA
Class M – two year rolling date stamp + doubling or removal of 150 sq m limit + Conservation area inclusion + maybe AONB & National Parks + removal of launderettes
Class N – two year rolling date stamp + doubling or removal of 150 sq m limit + Conservation area inclusion + maybe AONB & National Parks
Class G – change from 2 flats to 4 flats above Use Class E + maybe other commercial uses below
Class Q – change from 5 to ten dwellings and up to 1,000 sq m but smaller dwellings + rear extensions up to 4m on previously developed land + opening up to equestrian & forestry barns – partially implemented under SI 2024/579 – See Class Q
Class R – multi use commercial space + more commercial uses proposed – implemented under SI 2024/579 – See Class R
Hotels – ability to convert to residential
Class A of Part 6 – extensions to barns by up to 25% without prior approval + increase maximum barn size to 1.500 sq m + barns on Scheduled Monuments to require full planning – partially implemented under SI 2024/579 – See Class A
Class B of Part 6 – extensions to barns by up to 25% without prior approval + increase maximum barn size to 1.250 sq m + barns on Scheduled Monuments to require full planning – partially implemented under SI 2024/579 – See Class B
Class A of Part 7 – allow extensions up to 100% or 200 sq m outside of conservation areas etc. (from 50% or 100 sq m)
Class H of Part 7 – new buildings up to 400 sq m for B2 or B8 usage + extensions of up to 1,500 sq m or 75% outside of conservation areas etc. (from 50% or 1,000 sq m)

We do not yet have a date when this will be implemented. Maybe the spring?

TBA: Division of a house into two flats

This was announced n the Autumn 2023 budget. The proposal is to allow a permitted development right to be able to split a house into two flats. We are expecting a consultation paper in January or February 2024 with implementation in late summer or autumn 2024.

This is summarised on Planning Geek here.

Once the consultation is open, we will post a link to that here. The home page for Government consultations can be found here (new tab).

Other revisions of the GDO or GPDO




Proposed changes in 2024 Updated: 27th June 2024
