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Class I – industrial conversions – B2 to B8


Class I - B2 to B8Class I allows you to change a building that is a used under B2 which is general industrial and convert that to a storage or distribution under Use Class B8. Note that the ability to convert back from B8 to B2 no longer exists. So in this instance full planning would be required.

As with any permitted development right, you ought to check to see if Class I has been removed by either a previous planning application or an Article 4. An Article 4 might well exist on certain business parks restricting what can be converted in said business park.

However, assuming all of the above is in order, Class I is a very simple permitted development right and does not need the involvement of the local authority. 

The only restriction is that under Class I the building must not exceed 500 square metres of floor space.

Check out other permitted development options on our changes of use page.



Class I – industrial conversions

Permitted development

I. Development consisting of a change of use of a building from any use falling within Class B2 (general industrial) of Schedule 1 to the Use Classes Order, to a use for any purpose falling within Class B8 (storage or distribution) of that Schedule.

Development not permitted

I.1. Development is not permitted by Class I if the change of use relates to more than 500 square metres of floor space in the building.


Page updated: 27th February 2022