Planning Geek Forums


Class B – extension or alteration of an operational Crown building


Crown extensionsWe will not be expanding upon Class B, which is for the extension or alteration of an operational Crown building for use by the Crown or employee facilities, within Planning Geek at this time.

The legislation can be found below. If you need the guidance of Planning Geek in the process for Class B, please contact us for any assistance or book a Zoom call today.





Class B – extension or alteration of an operational Crown building

Permitted development

B. The extension or alteration by or on behalf of the Crown of an operational Crown building.

Development not permitted

B.1 Development is not permitted by Class B if—

(a) the building as extended or altered is to be used for purposes other than those of—
(i) the Crown; or
(ii) the provision of employee facilities;

(b) the height of the building as extended or altered would exceed the height of the original building;

(c) the cubic content of the original building would be exceeded by more than—
(i) 10%, in respect of development on any article 2(3) land; or
(ii) 25%, in any other case;

(d) the floor space of the original building would be exceeded by more than—
(i) 500 square metres in respect of development on any article 2(3) land; or
(ii) 1,000 square metres in any other case;

(e) the external appearance of the original building would be materially affected;

(f) any part of the building as extended or altered would be within 5 metres of any boundary of the curtilage of the original building; or

(g) the development would lead to a reduction in the space available for the parking or turning of vehicles.

Interpretation of Class B

B.2 For the purposes of Class B—

(a) the erection of any additional building within the curtilage of another building (whether by virtue of Class B or otherwise) and used in connection with it is to be treated as the extension of that building, and the additional building is not to be treated as an original building;

(b) where 2 or more original buildings are within the same curtilage and are used for the same operational purposes, they are to be treated as a single original building in making any measurement; and

(c) “employee facilities” means social, care or recreational facilities provided for employees or servants of the Crown, including crèche facilities provided for the children of such employees or servants.




Crown extensions Page Updated: 16th August 2023