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Planning application types

planning application

There are various planning application types within England, and within this section we will describe them each in turn. As we add pages to this section, the various types below will become links.

How long should applications take?  – will it be 8, 13 or 16 weeks?

Major planning or Minor Planning Application – find out how your application might be regarded.

Making the planning extant – how to make a material start on site and make the planning live.

Planning appeals – when you need to appeal to the Inspectorate for either non-determination or a refusal of planning or an enforcement notice

Householder Application – for when you need to make alterations or extensions to your house

Full Planning Permission – for when you require planning permission to carry out certain changes of use of, or works and operations to, land or buildings which have not followed the outline and reserved matters procedure below

Outline Planning Permission – if you would like the local authority to consider the principle of a proposal, including matters such as siting, design, external appearance, means of access and landscaping, before detailed drawings are prepared. A granted reserved matters application will be required before development can commence

Reserved Matters Planning Application – if you wish to obtain approval of any matters not considered under an outline planning application, once the detail of a proposal is available. A granted outline planning permission will be required before consideration of reserved matters

Non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission – for when you wish to make a non-material amendment to a previously approved planning application under Section 96A of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990

Listed Building and Conservation Area Consent – if you require consent to alter a listed building or for the demolition of certain buildings, walls and other means of enclosure in a conservation area

Notice of Intention for Agriculture or Forestry Development – to be completed for certain types of agricultural and forestry development

Consent to Display an Advertisement – required for certain types of advertisement, including posters and notices, boards and placards, fascia and projecting signs, flags and traffic signs

Lawful Development Certificate – required to regularise development which does not benefit from the necessary planning permission – two types – Certificates of Lawful Existing Use or Development (CLUED or CLEUD) and Certificates of Lawful Proposed Use or Development (CLOPUD)

Removal / variation of conditions – to make an application for the removal or variation of a condition following the grant of planning permission under Section 73 of the TCPA 1990

Prior Notification – some proposals for developments involving telecommunications, demolition, agriculture or forestry are subject to a process whereby details are notified to the local planning authority prior to the development taking place

Approval of Conditions – this type of application will be necessary where a condition in a planning permission or a listed building consent requires details of a specified aspect of the development which was not fully described in the original application. These details need to be submitted for approval before the development can begin

Consent Under Tree Preservation Orders – this application applies to proposed work to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO)

Notice of proposed works to trees in a conservation area – in conservation areas, notice is required for works to trees that have a trunk diameter of more than 75mm when measured at 1.5m from ground level (or more than 100mm if reducing the number of trees to benefit the growth of other trees)

Permission in Principle (PiP) – a five week application to establish if the local authority will grant you permission for the development of up to 9 dwellings on a site. Needs to be linked to a Technical Details Consent (TDC)

Prior Approval – this application is wide reaching within the General Permitted Development Order and covers changes such as larger rear extensions, office to residential, shops to offices and much more. Many are listed on this page to alter the use of one building to another

Modification or discharge of a Section 106 planning obligation

Technical Details Consent – after a PiP has been approved. Very similar to a full planning application.


Page Updated: 13th May 2024