Planning Geek Forums


Class V – changes of use permitted on a previous planning application


Class VClass V is used where an alternative use was permitted on a previous full planning application applied for on or after 5th December 1988 or more than 10 years has passed since permission was granted. 

You cannot use Class V if it will mean the property is changed into either a betting office or a payday loan shop.

Finally Class V can’t be used if my changing the use it breaches a condition or similar in the previous planning permission granted. 

Should Class V apply to you, then there is no need to contact the local authority.The full legislation can be found below.



Class V – changes of use permitted under a permission granted on an application

Permitted development

V. Development consisting of a change of use of a building or other land from a use permitted by planning permission granted on an application, to another use which that permission would have specifically authorised when it was granted.

Development not permitted

V.1 Development is not permitted by Class V if—
(a) the application for planning permission referred to was made before 5th December 1988;
(b) it would be carried out more than 10 years after the grant of planning permission;
(c) the development would consist of a change of use of a building to use as betting office or pay day loan shop; or
(d) it would result in the breach of any condition, limitation or specification contained in that planning permission in relation to the use in question.

Page updated: 27th February 2022