Planning Geek Forums


Part B – Industrial or Storage & Distribution

Part B of the Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) are generally business that serve people either as factories or storage etc.. Check out our changes of change of use table to see which uses classes enjoy permitted development rights. There may also be temporary uses that apply to Part B. This can be found here.

Use Class Part B


Note that from 1st September 2020 Class B1 has been merged into the new use Class E within England. 

The Use Class Order 2020 was an update to the Use Class Order 1987 and the changes are summarised here.

Part B is divided into two classes within England. (Wales retains Use Class B1).

Use Class B2 & Use Class B8

Where a property is in two use classes – then it will be classed as sui generis. The one exception is a building with Class E, sub-paragraph (g) & B2 use as long as the section allocated to B2 is not substantially increased.


Page Updated: 19th January 2024