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Which permitted development rights do I have in an AONB?


I am asked this on a regular basis ‘Do permitted development apply in an AONB or Area of outstanding natural beauty?’ Many people assume that just because their property is in an AONB they do not have permitted development rights. This is not true! There are fewer rights than within a conservation area – but just because it is an AONB and a great place to live or do business it doesn’t block you from all rights. Anything listed here could be subject to a restriction vioa an Article 4 or via a previous planning decision. Listed building consent or scheduled monument consent may also be required.

Yes, there are restrictions – but it certainly doesn’t mean that you do not have them.

This page will dispel a few myths….




What can I do with my house in an AONB??


Before you start altering your dwelling, check to see if an Article 4 exists in your area. Occasionally one might exist to restrict certain items that might affect the characteristics of an AONB. Sometimes this might only impact the front elevation. Don’t assume that an Article 4 will prevent works on the entire property. Search ‘<local authority name> Article 4’. 

You might also have planning restrictions via a previous planning application or when the property was new, especially if built in the last decade or so. If the house was created by a change of use this may also further restrict some of the options below.

This page is a guide only and you are welcome to check the legislation on each page that is linked below to clarify any other restrictions.

Unless specified these rights only apply to dwellinghouses and not to flats.

Extensions  ✅  (rear single storey, no cladding) – More Information
Replacement windows and doors  ✅ – More Information 
Velux roof windows (front or back)  ✅ – More Information
Porches  ✅  – More Information
Outbuildings (not to the side or more than 10 sq m if more than 20m from the house)  ✅  – More information
Driveways  ✅  – More information
Chimney / Flue (not on elevation facing highway)  ✅  – More information
Satellite dishes (not on or visible on elevation facing highway)  ✅  – More information
Fences & gates  ✅  – More information
Access to unclassified road  ✅  – More information
Exterior painting  ✅  – More information
Car charging point  ✅  – More information
Electrical upstand for car charging  ✅  – More information (also for flats)
CCTV  ✅  – More information
Solar panels on roofs or walls   ✅  – More information (also for flats)
Stand-alone Solar panels   ✅  – More information (also for flats)
Ground source heat pumps  ✅  – More information (also for flats)
Water source heat pumps  ✅  – More information (also for flats)
Flue for biomass   ✅  – More information (also for flats)
Flue for micro combined heat and power   ✅  – More information (also for flats)
Air source heat pump  ✅  – More information (also for flats)
Demolition of walls or fences  ✅  – More information
Demolition of buildings under 50 cubic metres ✅  – More information
Demolition of buildings subject to prior approval ✅  – More information



Changes of Use in an AONB


You can certainly benefit for changes of use within an AONB. Although the only option to convert to residential is Class G, with 2 flats above  a Use Class E unit. Check each section for any other requirements that might affect you.

Casino, Betting Office, PayDay Loan shop or Hot food Takeaway to Use Class E  ✅  – More information
Pub or wine bar to pub with expanded food  ✅  – More information
Two flats above Use Class E, PayDay Loan shop or Betting shop  ✅  – More information
Industrial B2 to Storage B8  ✅  – More information
C3 Dwelling to C4 HMO  ✅  – More information
Barns to flexible commercial use  ✅  – More information
Barns to State funded school  ✅  – More information
Use Class E, Hotels, Care homes etc., to state funded school. ✅  – More information
State funded schools or Nursery to Use Class E, Hotels, Care homes etc. ✅  – More information




Commercial properties rights in an AONB


You can still benefit from permitted development rights on commercial properties in an AONB.  Check each section for any other conditions or restrictions that might apply. 

Marquess for pubs, restaurants  ✅  – More information
Temporary buildings  ✅  – More information
Temporary use of land for 28 days  ✅  – More information
Moveable structures  ✅  – More information
Temporary school for 2 years  ✅  – More information
Temporary school for 3 years  ✅  – More information
Temporary change from Use Class E and others to Museum, Library, Public hall etc.  ✅  – More information
Solar panels on roofs or walls (not on elevation facing highway)  ✅  – More information
Stand-alone Solar panels (not in front of elevation facing highway)  ✅  – More information
Ground source heat pumps  ✅  – More information
Water source heat pumps  ✅  – More information
Flue for biomass (not on elevation facing highway)  ✅  – More information
Flue for micro combined heat and power (not on elevation facing highway)  ✅  – More information
Demolition of walls or fences  ✅  – More information
Demolition of buildings under 50 cubic metres ✅  – More information
Demolition of buildings subject to prior approval ✅  – More information


Other matters


Demolition of buildings of less than 50 cubic metres that are not a statue, monument or memorial should not be development and should not require planning permission to demolish unless also a listed building requiring listed building consent. However if in doubt check

Note that all the rights above may not apply to listed buildings within a an AONB. They may also be restricted by an Article 4 or previous planning decision. 

Other permitted development rights may exist in an AONB and we will update this page once those sections are added to Planning Geek.

Note that PD rights are sometimes changed and therefore before starting work you are advised to check legislation or book a Zoom call with Ian to clarify your situation. 




Page Updated: 21st March 2023